Micromax – The New Troll King!

If you live in India, we’re sure you would have come across the Samsung own now offer at least once in the last two weeks. Its everywhere – on TV, on the Radio, in print media, on the web!

Come Apr 26, 2013 – Micromax has an answer to Samsung’s offer – a troll that ridicules EMI and cashback schemes on expensive phones by using this slogan – “Can Own Now Without EMI” (Notice how this is a play on the name of Samsung’s OWN NOW campaign)

Watch the actual ads and you’ll smile (or laugh) for sure :D

Samsung’s OWN NOW ad first:

Now watch Micromax’s Can Own Now Without EMIs Ad:

Also, if you look closely, Micromax’s canvas range of phones have an uncanny resemblance to Samsung’s Galaxy Note series, albeit with a much lesser price tag (under ₹15,000).

But Samsung is not the only biggie that Micromax has trolled. They’ve done this with Apple and their iPhone too in the past. See these print ads and how they’ve taken on the iPhone and its price!



Great marketing we must say!

But even if you can own a Micromax phone now, will you, instead of a Samsung Note or an iPhone to save on costs? Let us know in the comments :)

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